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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Real

Posted on 9:13 PM by BDM read the blog. Most of you I know, so I figure for you guys this won't be news.

But for the REST of you (all 2 of you, I suppose) here's what's going on with me.

Yes, that's right. This is the long-awaited "What are you doing these days" post.

Let's start from the beginning. After graduating from UNC-Chapel Hill (hence the title of the is a line from the UNC alma mater entitled "Hark The Sound") in 2008, I began law school in Greensboro. After a year, it definitely wasn't for me, so I moved in a different direction.

Since that time, I have been applying for graduate programs in my undergraduate major, sport management. During my blogging hiatus, I submitted 12 applications, while paying an insane amount of money in fees and processing. Though there are a few loose ends still being tied up, that process has FINALLY finished, which has allowed me much more free time...and blogging time.

Here are the programs I have applied to, in order of where I would like to go:

1. Ohio University
2. The University of Massachusetts
3. The University of Texas - Austin
4. The Ohio State University
5. The University of Central Florida
6. The University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
7. Florida State University
8. West Virginia University
9. The University of Oregon
10. The University of Florida
11. The University of Georgia
12. The University of Miami (FL)

So that's what's been going on here. I have a 1300 on the GRE, a 620 on the GMAT, and I'm less $800. And it's about to get a LOT more expensive.

But I wouldn't change it for the world; as my favorite quote by Albert Schweitzer goes, "If you are truly happy, you will be successful." And that's the real.

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